MMS Friends

Life; In My View

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Things to do before the..

And so i have about 12-13 months before THE day.

You know those wedding checklist that goes: things to do 11 months before the wedding..
mixed feelings about it.

I'm just trying to sort out my own guestlist and wedding helpers (bridesmaids, receptionists, deco rep, gate-crash rep..etc etc) before the 2 families come together to decide on a bride-price and some guo da li stuffs. After which we will be able to source for a wedding banquet venue, get down to wedding card printing..suit/gown..

Right now, we are about halfway done with wedding budgeting. Getting quotes from our selected photographers/videographers.

A lot of things to put together.
Thank God for experienced friends who are now blissfully married! (: